This alternative to Windows Photos has a Sky AI Replacement tool which helps to make the sky perfect, highlight clouds' structure, give more contrast, and touch up the color. Artificial Intelligence turns all the editing routines into a simple automatic process. This alternative to windows photo viewer is able to edit pictures almost automatically without compression and with a good result.

The most interesting part of Luminar Neo is Artificial Intelligence Technology. The program has a large workspace and a set of sliders and switches on the right side. By its interface and characteristics, Luminar Neo reminds Adobe Lightroom. In its essence, it’s an image editing and photo management software. Luminar Neo is a powerful app that can be the best replacement for Windows Live Photo Gallery. Get acquainted with them and choose the one that best suits your needs. That is why we have compiled a list of the 5 best Windows Photos Viewer alternatives that can boast of wide functionality and high performance. But there are difficulties here because the abundance of alternatives makes the head spin. So, creative people begin to look for programs better than Windows Photo Viewer. And this is extremely annoying and discourages the desire to work with images at all. In particular, it takes more time to view photos normally. And with the release of Windows 10 in 2015 performance of this program has deteriorated. But good old Windows Photo Viewer doesn’t satisfy these needs fully because of scarce functionality. Viewing, organizing, and editing a lot of images in different formats are the most common actions among photographers and designers. The list of the 5 best Windows photo viewer alternatives

Someday you may need more functions to work on your photos, that's why we made this list of Windows Photo Viewer Alternatives. It doesn’t allow you to edit or manage pictures. It is a very simple program with basic possibilities. You can view pictures in full-screen mode, reorient them in 90° increments and display all pictures in a folder as a slideshow. Via it, you can open the most common image formats like JPG, PNG, GIF. Windows Photo Viewer is an image viewing program.